Cafeteria Information
Explanation of Occasional Changes to Lunch Menu
In December, Mrs. Wells, our Child Nutrition Director, sent out a letter to parents/guardians explaining why there have been more changes to the lunch menu than in past years. The text of that letter is shown below. Food deliveries are made weekly, so cafeteria staff don’t know until that delivery is received if the next week’s menu will stay as what was planned for the month.
Due to the supply chain uncertainty, we are not receiving the foods that we have planned for our menus. There are times when the food is not available and we have to substitute for something else. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are doing our best to fulfill our menu but there may be times that it may change. Thank you for your patience in this situation.
2024-25 Lunch Prices
All Oglesby ISD student lunches will be free again this year.
Milk without a school lunch: $0.50
Adult lunch price: $5.00 Adult breakfast price: $3.50